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The ultimate how-to-smudge guide

The ultimate how-to-smudge guide
What on earth is a smudge? A smudge at it's simplest definition is a bundle of sage that is burnt for the various benefits the smoke it emits brings. Practiced in various cultures across the world this ritualistic practice is believed to purify, cleanse and energise your space.
There really is no right or wrong way of carrying out this ritual but we make the following recommendations:
You can still benefit from this practice even if you aren't spiritual. Use the smudge every now and again to keep your home smelling earthy and clean.
  • Smudging rituals usually take around 15-20 minutes (or longer for larger homes).
  • You will need a fire proof container ideally with some sand (to extinguish the flame) - We highly recommend our abalone shell with stand (and sand included) which makes a convenient starter kit for any of your smudging rituals. They are also so beautiful to display in your home - double win!
  • Open a few windows around your home giving any negative energy an escape outlet to leave your home.
  • Set an intention before you start. This doesn't have to be anything elaborate, anything as simple as 'Please cleanse my home from any negativity' could work, or you could just take a moment to feel centred before you begin.
  • Remove the attached crystal and set aside.
  • Gently set fire to the side of the wand - we recommend using a candle as it may take a few seconds to set alight. Yes, you may burn the flowers and string.
  • Once lit and a small flame has caught, and while holding it over your abalone shell gently blow on the flame until it goes out. The wand will then smoke gently like incense.
  • Re-light your smudge if it is no longer smoking. If this happens halfway through your ritual just relight it and continue where you left off.
  • Walk around your home clockwise using either your hand or a feather to waft the smoke around each room. (Beautiful decorated feather included with your smidge starter kit)
  • Make sure you cover every nook and cranny where energy could be stagnant, so don't forget behind doors, under beds and even in your cupboards. 
  • You may choose to leave your burning wand in your abalone shell to extinguish on its own, however you will need to be present until the flame has gone off completely, or you can extinguish the flame by gently dipping the wand in sand. Do not leave unattended.
  • The burning smudge will leave a distinct yet uplifting aroma in your home. You will also notice a happier and lighter atmosphere. Repeat ritual as desired.

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